The Open Boat Vs The Most Dangerous Game

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In the two stories ¨ẗhe open boat¨ and ¨the most dangerous game¨ there are smaller aspects of the stories ; and how the authors use detail to describe things. In ¨ the open boat ¨the text states ¨The correspondent,4 pulling at the other oar, watched the waves and wondered why he was there.¨. the author uses the character's dialogue, and thoughts to describe things like ; the conflict in the story and their plan to resolve it , and more importantly the theme . this example is showing how the character feels about what's going on and the significance of the situation. In ¨the most dangerous game ¨ the text states ¨"I'll give him a trail to follow," muttered Rainsford,¨ Very similar to the last text; it is the dialogue between characters that