The Outsiders And Obstacles In The Glass Castle

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Everyone has experienced many disadvantages in their lives; getting affected by them is a personal choice. Many don’t believe having a problem brings the best out of a person because who can be jocular when they have a complication in their life? Being delighted by having the obstacle in your path isn’t something a person would do, but what comes after that obstacle gets pushed off is a substantial thing. Slowly but surely, they help you succeed in life and they teach you lessons you never knew you needed. Obstacles are rocky to overcome, but what you do with them is what really counts. Not many people realize that having a major bump in your life may lead you to success. For example, in the novel, The Glass Castle, the main character’s, …show more content…

For example, in the novel, The outsiders, there’s two groups, the Greasers and Socs. Greasers being necessitous and getting pushed around by the Socs; made their life more complicated than it really needed to be. In this novel, two Greasers get themselves in quite a riot with the Socs and they have to run away into an abandoned church where they have to keep to themselves and not interact with anyone, so they wouldn’t get caught. Consequently, there was a mishap at the run down church that caused it to burn into flames causing kids that were playing inside to get stuck. Luckily, the two Greasers were there to save the day and helped out those infants; however, one of them,Johnny, got stuck and got badly hurt. Effectively, the Greasers and the Socs got into a big “rumble”, which is a physical quarrel, and the Socs once and for all got defeated. As a result, Johnny did pass away but not without learning a good lesson. No matter where you come from or what your life is like you always end up on the right path and choose to “stay gold”. Having obstacles in your path may be hard sometimes, but once they’re over and done with you’ll be a better and improved