The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton: Character Analysis

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Everyone needs friends for comfort, understanding and sacrifice. It’s hard for people to live without a friend to comfort, understand and sacrifice for them. In these three books, we see lots of these examples. In the books Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, we see lots of these examples. There are many close and distant relationships in the books. People get very nervous at times, and often it’s their friend who comforts them. Johnny and Pony, and George and Lennie are both really good friends with each other. They each are like family to each other and they need to comfort each other at times. “I finally just sat down on the curb and cried, burying my face in my arms. Johnny sat down beside me, one hand …show more content…

Lots of friends have very special relationships. Some are even close enough that friends can understand each other almost all the time. Slim and George were the two smartest people on the ranch in Of Mice and Men. They understood each other more than anyone else. Pony and Soda also had a very close relationship where they almost always understood each other. The fact that Soda understood things was so important in The Outsiders, that is was said in the second page. Pony says here “But then, Soda is different from anybody; he understands everything, almost.” The Outsiders page 2. This not only says that Soda understands Pony, but that Pony understands Soda’s ways of thinking also. There were examples in Of Mice and Men too. Slim was the only one at the ranch besides George and Lennie who understood true friendship. Slim understood what George had to go through dealing with Lennie and shooting Lennie.“Slim twitched George’s elbow. ‘Come on, George. Me an’ you’ll go in an’ get a drink.’” In this part of the book, the others at the ranch congratulated George after he shot Lennie, but Slim understood what George had to go through and he offered to go to the bar with George. He understood what