
The Outsiders Comparison

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The Outsiders is a book made in 1967 based on a young boy named Ponyboy, his story includes his two brothers Sodapop and Darrell along with his other friends. Ponyboy is a part of a gang known as the “Greasers”, the main group consists of Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darrell, Johnny, Steve, Two-bit, Dally, and Tim. However, this gang has a specific enemy, a gang called the “Socs”. The main members of the Socs are Cherry, Martia, Bob, Randy, and Paul. Both gangs are opposite from each other, but maybe they aren’t so different as people think they are? This essay will be using information about both gangs and comparing their differences and similarities on multiple topics like: society's view, their interactions with each other, priorities, family life, …show more content…

In this story Socs are seen as rich and snotty kids. They come from wealthy families that spoil them and never discipline them, we know this from Bob’s story. We see the Soc’s as kids that get good grades, wear nice clothes, and have the perfect life with no struggles. However Socs are really a big threat in this story, at the beginning Ponyboy says he got jumped by a group of Socs who threatened to cut off his hair. This is a regular type of thing where Socs go around jumping and beating up Greasers because of how they dress and look. Overall we know Socs aren’t the nicest people around. Now we can think about how society sees Greasers. We got a general idea from how the Socs treat them. Greasers are seen as poor and have strong connections with their gangs. They have greased up hair (which makes sense from the name) and wear leather jackets. People think they're stupid and get bad grades, they’re dirty and trouble makers. Socs and greasers aren’t really different from each other with stereotypes like these. Socs do have struggles, but they are rich and entitled. Greasers do get good grades, but they can be trouble …show more content…

Well, we heard from Cherry that the Socs don’t really have any priorities in life, all they want is something to satisfy them because they get everything they’ve ever wanted. This means they don't actually have any real goals, everything has been handed to them by the snap of their fingers since they were kids. Socs have never had to work for anything, so why would they prioritize something they don’t need to put any effort into doing? We know Greasers have a completely different story though, their main priority is staying together no matter what. Darrell’s biggest priority is just trying to make sure his brothers aren’t put into a home, they do reckless things together which is why Darrell is so overprotective of them. His biggest worry is getting caught and having them taken away. Another thing some of the Greasers worry about is getting attacked, by Soc’s or even by their own family, Johnny's family is physically abusive to him so I bet he’s probably very cautious about something like that. Most of the Greasers aren’t very financially stable either, most are basically in poverty so money could be a big struggle and also a priority. Both of these groups deal with very different things in their life and lots of different things are important to them because of the situations they're

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