The Parental Theory Of John Bowlby's Attachment Theory

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This study focused on the Attachment theory in which it is stated how attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969).
Attachment theory is a theory that’s connected to psychology, studied first by John Bowlby. It explains the relevance of getting attached to something in an individual’s development. It is observed among children relying on their parents for stability, and that there is an existing need for them due to such reliance.
The attachment theory is most commonly observed in the parent- child scenario, as it is in Bowlby’s study which regarded the existence of the attachment as a child needing some sort of person to give them a security and assurance. It is explained that with lack thereof, the individual would find it difficult to explore horizons because there is that part of their development, needed to be fulfilled with such assurance, that wasn’t met during childhood, thus such insecurities may surface.
Further, it is pointed out that the relationship established between the parent and the child has an impact in the child’s behavioral and emotional self-regulation. It relies heavily on the level in which the parents are able to meet the child’s needs for someone to stand as a stronghold of confidence and to provide them the feeling of safety.
Attachment theory also explains levels in a child’s ability to place recall or differentiate