The Park Persuasive Speech

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You may have recently heard of the story of Clifton and how he was not allowed to enter your park. You may have also heard of many other people that have encountered the same problem. Do you really think you are justified for doing such a thing, because you’re not? But, some people would say that it is right for them to deny service to African-americans. Predominantly there was no reason for Clifton to be denied entry to the park. The color of someone’s skin should not be used as an excuse to be denied entry to anything. Clifton was a thirteen year old boy who was not any different from his classmates and he had to forfeit going to your park. For anyone suffering that bigotry so young, it must be very hard for them to have …show more content…

This helped him overcome some of the sadness that he felt. But, this did not help him understand why he was not allowed into your park when he had worked so hard to go there. Clifton felt the support of his classmates that decided to stay with him. Even though he was not allowed into your park he still got to go to a professional baseball game. After he was not allowed into your park he remembered what he had read at the Lincoln Memorial. “ We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.” pg.561. Clifton started to think about the meaning of those words and it was clear to him that freedom was not free. Every time that someone suffers from discrimination and we choose to battle against it, we are closer to freedom. This kind of love and caring is what we should practice. Some people would defend the park for the choice they made. You may have thought that it would be bad for business to let an African-American into your park. After all, your park was not the only ones doing this. This was something happening every day. You are not the only ones that have to reconsider the policies you have