The Particle Adventure Worksheet

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The Particle Adventure Assignment
You are to use the Particle Adventure website ( and follow the main path. For each page, you are to write one question and its answer. Keep track of the questions in each section because we will share the questions in class.
You are also to complete the following worksheet using the information obtained from the website
Particle Adventure Worksheet:
In the 1930’s, how was the atom described?
In 1932, an english physicist, James Chadwick discovered and confirmed the existence of neutrons, and claimed that neutrons do not have any charge. In an Atomic nuclei, there are the positive charged protons and neutrons.

How did having particle accelerators advance …show more content…

What are the two carrier particles for the weak interaction?
The carrier particles of the weak interactions are the W+, W-, and the Z bosons. The W's are electrically charged and the Z is neutral.

Why does all stable matter contain only electrons and the two lightest quarks- the up and down?
Stable matter around us contains only electrons and the lightest two quarks (up and down because weak interactions causes the massive quarks and leptons decay in order to make them lighter. And when they decay, it disappears and two or more particle appear. The sum of produced masses are less than the original particle’s mass.

What was the first observed weak process? Describe it. The first weak interaction was observed in radioactivity in which the strong force-carrier particle decay involves a color change. Strong interaction are stronger and happen faster than weak interactions. The weak force-carrier particles decays in which particles change electric charge. This usually happens whenever a particle changes flavor.

Who was the first person to consider indivisible atoms?
Democritus and Dalton discovered the concept of an atom which means “indivisible,” in Greek language and it was first proposed by the philosopher

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