The Pleasures Of Eating By Wendell Berry Summary

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Are we truly cruel people if we eat meats, that came from factories? Would people stop eating their food, if they knew how they were made?The author Wendell Berry from “The Pleasures of Eating” argued that the factories where we get our food, don't treat the animal properly and are really cruel to them.He also argued that he will not eat any kind of meat that he knows for a fact that had a miserable life.Finally, Berry uses a lot of emotion in his article to get his point across , he doesn't use any kind of fact to back it up. Everything that he discuss in base on his opinion alone. I disagree with him because he does not back up his argument with anything, and to be honest its quite dirty of him to use emotions to get his point across.Besides, …show more content…

Also, he uses a lot of descriptive words to describe the process. “The passive American consumer, sitting down to a meal of pre-prepared or fast food, confronts a platter covered with inert, anonymous substances that have been processed, dyed,breaded, sauced, gravied. ground, pulped, strained, blended, prettified, and sanitized beyond resemblance to any part of any creature that ever lived.” Here I can prove that Berry uses a lot of descriptive words to describe a simple piece of meat. It can easily be said that if someone were to read this, I can probably assume that the person would either, indeed, feel bad, that he or she is eating “meat” or they would not care or dwell too much time on the matter and just forget about it.But what of the people that actually do care? Well, for one if this person is eco-friendly I could see why, but lets say this person is not, in a way its good that this individual wants to make a change in his diet. Not everything that Berry says in his article is bad, he encourages people to know where their food comes from. But the thing is ,that, not everyone has the time,but if the individual truly cares, then he will make time to research about