Relationships And Social Media

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Relationships and Social Media Technology has influenced the social and biological evolution because it has become a social hub for people in the 21st century. With the different outlets of social media, it has dramatically affected the way I develop and maintain friendships in a negative manner. The loss of touch and the overall biochemistry of people has changed pertaining to how they interact with people, it also creates a bridge for people to say hurtful words online. Konnikova is a reporter who uses Dunbar 's research with the help of The University of Oxford anthropologist and psychologists research of primates to understand technologies major influence regarding …show more content…

Social skills and interactions are being underdeveloped because early childhood interactions shape how a kid will act and feel socially. “Deprive a child of interaction and touch early on, and those areas won’t develop fully. Envelop her in a huge family or friend group, with plenty of holding and shared experience, and those areas grow bigger” (Dunbar page 255). Children are now learning that being ‘antisocial’ in person, but actively being on social media is okay. Schools are having to teach students basic social skills because they are so dependent on a digital screen that they don 't know how to express themselves personally. Dunbar explained it as "without investing the face-to-face time, we lack deeper connections to them, and the time we invest in superficial relationships comes at the expense of more profound ones” (Dunbar page 256). This has created roadblocks in communicating with my friends, personally I have went out to dinner with a group of ten plus friends and at least half of my friends were on social media. This forced us to not be able to fully engage with each other and fully enjoy the …show more content…

initially it was created so that people would be able to connect with others at beginners level. It allows you to create your own profile, personalizing it with your likes and dislikes, adding friends, and posting/sharing whatever you want. This is not what social media is being used for now. Now, random people are adding other random people that they haven’t even formed any type of connection other then they both created a social media account. This creates a need for attention for likes, comments, shares, and retweets.. In middle school Instagram was everything, if someone didn’t get a certain amount of followers they would be put in a social hierarchy. If they posted a certain picture that someone in a higher ‘class’ in the hierarchy chain didn’t agree with, they would be talked about. In high school Instagram graduated to Twitter. Where at the click of a button your able to share your thoughts to whoever was following you. If you tweeted an uncommon opinion, you often receive backlash from people who you’ve never even interacted with. Some call you names, others just disregard you as a human overall. Social media provides a gateway for people to be unnecessarily hurtful to others. At a maturing age this can change every aspect of anyone’s life. This forces the newest generation to be antisocial and to not care to build physical relationships, Dunbar