
The Power Of Letter From Birmingham Jail, By Dr. Martin Luther King

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The speeches, “I Have a Dream”, “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, and “Statement on Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King” all have the power to inspire people from across the world. These incredible aspirations that Dr. King and J.F.K wrote about depict a feeling of inspiration to tons of people. They express their feelings by choosing certain words that’ll get their point across to the audience. All three speeches made a big impact on the world, which helped bring a greater connection between African Americans and Caucasians. In “I Have a Dream” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. he uses the phrase, “With this faith” excessively near the end of his speech. He’s trying to say that if we all have faith in one another we’ll be able to accomplish anything, which is very inspirational. For example, “With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.” He chooses to express this because he’s aware of the change that’ll occur with the power of his voice and knowledge. …show more content…

King is an inspiring piece of literature that has had a significant impact on history. Throughout the letter, he lists the criticisms of fellow clergymen who believed his peaceful protests were causing a dispute among many people. He wrote, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” a phrase that has influenced many individuals to stand and speak up for what’s right. Dr. King’s arguments to support his case for civil rights were both powerful and effective. He in addition wrote, “A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.” a statement that shows his unwavering belief in the importance of

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