The Prelude To The Rise Of The Weimar Republic

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Before 1933, the rise of Nazism authority centralized incrementally then suddenly. After the end of WWI Germany had a new form of government that began as a republican democratic constitution known as the Weimar Republic. This type of government later was known for being the prelude to the rise of Nazism. The Weimar Republic quickly became known for being the "new government with old players and culture" (Palmer, 9/18/17). As the Weimar Republic arose, there was a lack of change happening. Reasoning behind this focuses on the institutional having no political reforms and no change to bureaucracy. However, during this period, the military remained the same with the key positions in the judiciary. The Weimar Republic did bring strong economic life to Germany until the stock market crash in the United States in 1929. …show more content…

During this time the number of Nazis are growing in Parliament. The emergence of the Nazi Party also occurred in the 1920s. This parties focus includes the enemy being "the Jew" and the primitive "Fuehrer-State" (Palmer, 9/20/17). Some of the early ranks of the party include middle or lower class, ex-soldiers, Goering, Himmler, and Goebbels. Another big part of the Nazi Party comes from the adoption of the swastika from the Thule Society. Once the Nazi Party existed, the centralization of power became suddenly. Reasoning for the sudden shift in the centralization comes from the Nazi Party holding multiple elections in 1932 to make Hitler Chancellor. The Nazi Party wins the elections with the result of Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933. Therefore, the rise of authority started incrementally then came suddenly for the rise of

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