
Ww11 German Government

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German Government Throughout WW11 Adolf Hitler is best remembered for the tragic event he lead known as the Holocaust, which is the attempted genocide of the enemies of the Aryan Volk race. What people often don’t know is how he achieved and sustained power. After World War I, The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay for the damages the war caused; Germany was excluded in the creation of this document. During this time, their currency inflated and essentially collapsed, causing an economic disaster for the country. During this time of extreme poverty and darkness, Hitler used his knowledge of mass psychology and propaganda to exploit the fear of the public, allowing him to successfully gain control of Germany.
The Nazi party originated …show more content…

National socialism was a nationalist movement that rejected liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. It also emphasized the inequality of men and races. The anti intellectual and theoretical movement purged or suppressed any political opponents in their way. National socialism lead to the creation of the Nazi party in 1919, which was an extreme and totalitarian party advocating for the extermination of enemies of the aryan volk race. Lead by Adolf Hitler, it would gain control of germany in …show more content…

The treaty of Versailles was created after WWI, making Germany pay for reparations. Germany was also suffering from the economic results of the war, and this made them even more financially unstable than they were before. Germany did not have any say in the creation of the treaty, which angered many. Hitler used economic instability and anger to his advantage, seeking support from those in the business industry during the great depression and taking advantage of a government in crisis. When you have a collapsing economy, you don't have the resources to protect your government, and many people are very angry, making it easy and likely for someone to take over the government.
In 1933, the nazi party seized power in Germany to begin their totalitarian rule. The nazi party stemmed from the movement of national socialism, and was founded as the German workers party by anton drexler. Hitler became affiliated with the party in 1919 and began to lead the party in 1920. The nazi party believed in the abolishment of the treaty of versailles and the expansion of German territory. The Nazi party then went on to attempt the eradication of those who they did not deem

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