The Problem Of Corporal Punishment In South Africa

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Corporal punishment is a common problem all over the world (United Nations, 2008). South Africa has adopted a Human Rights constitution, ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1995, and legally abolished corporal punishment in schools (Republic of South Africa, 1996, A-47; South African Schools Act, 1996). However, it is still a challenge for some South African teachers to abandon corporal punishment as a disciplinary practice. This study purports to investigate why the use of corporal punishment persists despite its abolition two decades ago, its implications, and an alternative means of disciplining students without applying it.
1.1. Background
Corporal punishment of children is a worldwide problem. Because it is a problem in most of the societies throughout the world it is necessary to conduct research about this issue. This Essay will focus on attitudes and opinions about corporal punishment in South Africa. The Essay will also contain the relation between children’s rights and corporal punishment and find suggestion to alternative measures to diminish the problem.
1.2. The research problem
Corporal punishment as a practice of behaviour correction of a child was legally abolished in South African schools in 1996. In line with the human rights culture prevailing locally and globally, South Africa adopted a constitution that establishes and protects a range of human rights. In relation to corporal punishment,