The Pros And Cons Of 9/11

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During the brutal attack called 9/11, four planes got hijacked by terrorists. One hit the the Pentagon, another one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, and the last two hit the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Thousands of lives died that day due to the attack, but many have asked , “Could they have been saved?”In fact, they did not even need to be saved, it could have been prevented all together. The intelligence agencies FBI, CIA, NSA were partially responsible for not stopping the attacks. The twin towers were targeted by a terrorist attack before 9/11. It was in 1993, a truck ran into the north tower with a urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device. It was meant to make the North Tower fall in the South Tower. Like Killing two birds with one stone. This would have killed thousands of lives, but unfortunately the North Tower stood its ground and did not fall. Only 6 people were killed and over a thousand injured. Infighting caused miscommunication and other problems which led to possible lives that could have been saved die. The police and the firefighters had a lot of infighting because they thought they could do it themselves and didn’t need help. That's why the police did not install the radio that the government bought them to communicate because they thought they could do it themselves. (Dwyer and Flynn) …show more content…

FBI agent Coleen Rowley in Minnesota had been keeping tabs on Zacarias Moussaoui. They got information from French intelligence that he is a potentially dangerous extremist. Then Moussaoui started taking flight lessons. Rowly warned the the Washington office about him and wanted to interrogate him, but Rowly got denied and they ignored the soon to be terrorist. After the attack, Rowley wrote a 13 page letter on how Washington was unqualified and how the FBI could have stopped this from happening months in advance if they have just listened. (Hosenball and

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