The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Abortion: Why?

‘’We don’t want to scare you, we just want to warn you that there is evil in this world’’ (Lopaz, np). From the beginning of time, people have always been killing people, whether it is because they made them jealous or envious, but in 1973 it became alright to kill an innocent child. It was the case of Roe vs. Wade that started a fire that would be blazing for many years to come. Since then there have been more than 1 million abortion leading deaths in the United States alone. In 2011, 17% of legal abortions took place in California (Annual Abortion Statistics, np). Abortion is an unjust way because its cruel and unusual punishment, sometimes women are scared to tell parents, husbands or boyfriends, and the women that have …show more content…

Jennie Linn McCormack’s ‘’abortion’’ would change the world of abortion. ‘’Jennie could not afford the abortion so she ordered the abortion pill off of the internet. The night before Christmas she started to feel sick so she went to the restroom. While in the restroom she gave birth to her baby. The baby was much bigger than she expected so she put it in a box underneath her bed. That night she: ate dinner, wrapped her kid’s presents, dropped kids off, and then went to church. After about a couple days the baby started to emit an odor so she wrapped it in more paper and put it on the back porch. Jennie then told her friend, her friend told her sister, the sister then called the cops. In May 2011, McCormack was charged by the Bannock County Prosecutors’ office under 1973’s Idaho’s Code 18-606’’ (The Rise of DIY Abortion, Calhoun). ‘’Also in 2011, a New Yorker was arrested for having an abortion with different types of herbs’’ (The Rise of DIY Abortion, Calhoun). Abortion can not only kill your baby but it can kill so much more than that. Abortion can kill your reputation, job, friends, loved ones, and finally maybe your relationship with God. ‘’ What then shall I do when God rises up? When he punishes, how shall I answer him? Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb’’ (Job