The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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The dictionary defines choice as the right, power, or opportunity to choose. Everybody in society has a choice and what they choose can lead to many different outcomes. In the years since the controversial Roe vs. Wade ruling, abortion has been an ongoing topic of debate on whether or not it’s the women’s right to choose or the fetus's right to live. A woman’s choice to choose to have an abortion or not, is her unquestionable fundamental right. The ability of a woman to have control of her body is critical to civil rights and should not be infringed upon by governments, social organizations, or private individuals. A human’s personhood begins at birth therefore until the fetus becomes person, the only individual possessing personhood is the …show more content…

Before the notable case ruling of Roe vs Wade in 1973, abortions were a highly dangerous procedure done by untrained professionals. The Roe vs Wade ruling “recognized that the constitutional right to privacy extends to a woman’s right to make her own personal medical decisions — including the decision to have an abortion without interference from politicians”(Planned Parenthood 1). Since the ruling, “there have been unceasing efforts to restrict the full expression of abortion rights” (Cohen 1). In the last year, there has been a record setting number of one thousand one hundred legislations were introduced, over six hundred of those are seeking to further restrict abortion rights. In many places in the United States, abortions are illegal once the second trimester begins. The women seeking abortions are having difficulty seeking what is their civil right. Abortions are not just a temporary solution, “circumstances put them in a position where abortion is the least self-destructive option available” (Head 1). It’s the woman's body at risk if abortions are made harder to obtain. Abortions are the women’s right to choose because the pregnancy affects her body. There is more than one reason why abortions happen. Phyllis Chesler, a feminist author and psychologist, wrote about learning how his wife’s abortion taught him about civil

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