The Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide

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First of all, what is assisted suicide? The definition of the word ‘suicide’ is ‘the act of killing yourself through any means. But assisted suicide is a bit different. Assisted suicide is when your physician assists you when killing yourself with medication. But just because you decide you want to die, doesn’t mean you can do it via assisted suicide. That option is only available to terminally ill patients whose time is coming to an end sooner or later. So, the question is: Is assisted suicide legal, and are physicians allowed to turn down the offer, even in states that have the DWD law? Well, the actual answer is yes...and no. While it may be illegal in some states, it certainly is allowed in others. In my opinion, I think assisted suicide …show more content…

The first thing to consider before deciding to attempt assisted suicide is the fact that there’s two variations of the legality of assisted suicide. One variation is that in four out of the five states, it is an option given to sick individuals. These states being Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and California. The other variation is the fact that in Montana, your decision of attempting assisted suicide is settled by court, and the option of assisted suicide is only given to those individuals in which the court has decided may proceed with the suicide. The second thing to consider is whether or not your physician may say no. It is possible for your physician to have say in if you’re given the medication to hasten your death or not, mostly since he/she is responsible for your death, in a way. Some physicians choose not to assist you with your death, and if you’re really settled on assisted suicide, and are sure you want to do it, you may have to find a physician that will assist you with the suicide. At any time, you are allowed to switch to another physician, who is willing to help you. One reason that they may not choose to help is because it is considered a felony to help someone commit