The Pros And Cons Of Bombing

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August 6th 1945, for many it was the beginning of the end of an almost four year long struggle, but for others it was a day of horror. An entire city gone in seconds, along with 140,000 people. Yet, this ended the bloodiest conflict in history. The most devastating war of all history ended with the creation and use of the most destructive weapon of war. For almost 50 years and even to today its use echoed how easily we could destroy ourselves. Even to this day there is still discourse on whether or not it was justified in the first place, it was not. The bombing was not justified because of the instant death of civilians and the two bombings could have been avoided. The bombings very obviously pose heavy moral and legal examination. It goes without question that killing civilians is wrong and a war crime as defined by genova as an attack targeted towards civilians. Japan had committed countless war crimes throughout World War Two. However, this does not give the US the right to commit them as well. Eye-for-eye logic isn't morally sound in the context of warfare and is outdated. The bombs can't be justified at that same point because innocent civilians were killed, not any military or government official. I say innocent due to japanese citizens not taking part in any war crimes and …show more content…

Raids like the ones that happened over London took course over many days and British citizens had the chance to react and shelter. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were different, in an instant a city was wiped off the map with no time for reaction. Germany bombed British targets to also bait out the RAF in order to gain air superiority, Hiroshima and Nagasaki had little military targets and were civilian centers. The argument that the bombs aren't unique is a black and white view of bombing raids and their differing objectives and

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