
The Pros And Cons Of Credit Card Debt

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Credit card debt is not a national issue; it is in fact a problem that affects millions worldwide. Many of the country's population, especially the younger ones, get entangled in this problem due to excessive spending that is not aligned to their earnings. When you have more than one credit card account with overflowing balances that need to be settled but you are struggling with, then you are officially stuck in this complication as well. Having a few credit card accounts might not be too bad if you pay your dues consistently, but miss a few payments and your credit score would start to see the damage. Thus you are in reality affecting your overall financial situation as having a poor credit score would harm your ability to obtain loans with …show more content…

Consider having a few credit card accounts, each one of which you pay separate interest rates, annual fees, processing fees and other similar charges. On the other hand consider a single account where all your credit accounts are merged under, you pay a single interest rate for this account, and you do not have to worry about all the other credit accounts at the same time. I am sure that option two would be more appealing to almost all of us out there. Option two is in fact the result of debt consolidation, a process that successfully combines all your credit card accounts into a single one for better …show more content…

If you prefer to do it yourself, you could opt for one of the many credit card balance-transfer programs that are available out there, offered by almost all the banks and financial institutions in existence today. Through this option, you could transfer all your credit card balances (regardless of how many credit cards you have) to a single credit card account. This balance-transfer program is offered to you by a different financial institution (compared to your current credit card lenders) that would usually put forward a lower interest rate to attract you. The program also comes with a debt-elimination plan that usually takes between two to five years to complete.

Or you could alternatively hire a debt consolidation firm that would help you eliminate all your credit card debts effectively with the use of a debt consolidation loan. The interest rate that is offered for this loan would usually be lower compared to your current credit card interest rates, thus you would naturally be gaining by opting for this solution. Nevertheless before you put pen to paper a deal with any debt consolidation firm out there, ensure that the company is legal and legitimate. You could accomplish this by checking the legitimacy of the company with the Better Business Bureau

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