The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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Like most, when Donald Trump announced his candidacy I didn’t think much of it. Trump was fully expected to run back in 2012 and the real shock was him declining during that cycle. However, a Trump run in 2016 wasn’t out of the ordinary, and when he announced his candidacy on June 16th, 2015 it was the thought of “this should be fairly entertaining”.

The entertainment is over.

Donald Trump has managed to stay the frontrunner in most posts since June and while he is just starting to lose his stronghold on Iowa to Ted Cruz, it has been Trump that has managed to stay on top poll after poll for more than a half a year. He has done so by tapping into the anger of everyday Americans and (according to the Facebook fan groups for the Donald) “pissed off rednecks”. The one thing I can say is that Donald is playing to the most extreme portion of his party. These people live out the stereotype that detractors paint the Republican Party as and it’s quite sad. I believe that Trump is either doing one of the biggest pandering jobs we have ever seen done by a presidential candidate or he is truly a tyrant in the making.

Here are the top five scariest political positions of Donald Trump.

ECONOMIC HELL …show more content…

The plan is promised to simplify our tax code, grow the American economy, provide tax relief for middle class Americans as well as not add to our debt and deficit. The selling point for the plan would be that if you are a single American and earn less than $25,000, or married and earn less than $50,000 – you would not have to pay any income taxes. At all. Period. With all other Americans being put in one of four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%. While, this sounds all fantastic in theory and on paper there is one huge problem regarding Trump’s