The Pros And Cons Of E-Censorship

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E-censorship: Selection or censorship? E-censorship and self-censorship are being practiced in public schools and public libraries across the United States, this is a danger to our rights as citizens and free thinkers. The blame of this active infringement on our personal rights, was thought as governmental overreach due to certain mandates, but this action tends to fall on those in charge of such filtering within the institutions. Educators and institutions often claim that it is a requirement from the federal government, as well as a process as to not offend different viewpoints, however who’s viewpoint is the right one in this instance? Throughout history there have been many instances where the opinions of others spill over into what should or shouldn’t take place within public institutions. For example, books and music through the ages that once were deemed controversial or inappropriate can now be found quite easily and available to the masses. The object in which the institutions are blocking may have changed, but these instances are still actively taking place, just now on a technological level.
To inject their own stigmas into said practices with the imposition of over blocking internet information, are resulting in missed opportunities of learning, as well as teaching moments to prepare students to be responsible internet users. Many students and adults alike, cannot afford the luxury of a computer or home internet services, …show more content…

These practices are not necessary and those who claim it is due to CIPA, are merely using self-censorship and heeding free thinking to the masses based on their own personal convictions. This over censorship has been questioned and required the voice of federal court injunctions. In several instances the supreme court has had to step