
The Pros And Cons Of Internet Censorship

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Also, what about the online applications designed for medical purposes, such as heart monitors (Manne & Sperry, 20-28)? As we can extrapolate, it would be nonsensical to simply assume that all content on the internet should be treated equally, when all content is inherently not equal. The authors write that due to net neutrality, software engineers don’t find the need to implement prioritization mechanisms in their programs, rendering the Internet more inefficient and illogical for the end user (Manne & Sperry, 20-28).
Going off censorship concerns, let’s revisit the concern of ISPs intentionally throttling their services mentioned earlier. Proponents of net neutrality will often push the censorship argument to the extreme, claiming that without …show more content…

* By not allowing for a separation of the government and broadband and technology economics, this industry faces potential dangers for corruption and governmental overreach/malpractice. Oftentimes, large tech corporations are already closely affiliated with certain politicians, and under net neutrality laws, a firm that aims to maximize its profits can easily “buy” political influence to facilitate its own agenda. As Street(2015, Breitbartnews.com) demonstrates, net neutrality is not only bad for consumers, it’s ultimately bad for …show more content…

The entire network and broadband industry is so complex that changes in everyday Internet service may just be the result of a myriad of technological issues. Similar to how there are tens of thousands of factors that contribute to climate change, there are just as many that contribute to signal strength, internet speeds, transmission quality, etc. How much resources would the government or FCC have to employ to ensure that no amount artificial tampering from ISPs have taken place, and how difficult would it to prove that it had? At the end of the day, is it really necessary to hire people and allocate copious amounts of resources to examine every irregular wire, node, or data packet if, in general, day-to-day operations are running

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