Arguments Against Net Neutrality

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The internet is a big part of most people's’ lives and they want to be able to use it fast and reliably. Net neutrality, the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or website, is what allows people to do this. It keeps companies from slowing down their competition and raising their prices. Now, net neutrality has been repealed, which means that internet service providers and other companies can slow down their competition and raise their prices. For some people this is not a problem but for people who do not have as much money, it can mean that they won't be able to afford these things. Net neutrality should …show more content…

This is problematic because the republican voters and democratic voters are unhappy with what is happening. Based on a recent national poll, republican voters “approve government action to ensure that internet service providers treat all web content the same” (Edwards). The voters wanted the government to make sure that everyone got fair and equal internet access and to make sure that the prices were reasonable. However, they did not want net neutrality to be repealed. Because of this, a lot of the voters were unhappy that all of the candidates of their party were so against net neutrality. Since the republicans want to get rid of net neutrality, companies can charge a lot more and can also slow down their opponents to put them out of business. These companies will also be able to form monopolies and have even more control than they do now. Five of the main republican candidates for the 2016 presidential race were very against net neutrality and wanted it gone, which again shows the conflict between the candidates and their voters (Edwards). In 2017, Ajit Pai wanted to get net neutrality repealed and put a new system in place. Although