Arguments Against Net Neutrality

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Net Neutrality is the right to unbiased and unprejudiced access to all legal content on the internet (Meyer). Based on the definition alone, many people think that Net Neutrality is a reasonable law. However, Net Neutrality is controversial, and many people strongly disagree with it. This debate is very significant, especially with the height of the digital age. One popular argument against Net Neutrality is that the open internet allows kids to access dangerous content (Conda). Another argument is that Internet service providers should be able to control their network traffic; they cannot do this with the current Net Neutrality laws (Kerpen). Despite these concerns, The United States Government should support Net Neutrality because it gives …show more content…

Wu’s article emphasized the need for open internet to protect consumers from telecommunication companies who may be unfair or unjust (Meyer). In September of 2005, the Federal Communications Commission released their Internet Policy Statement, which is the base laws that are used today (Meyer). Over the past years, many people have challenged the FCC, because the believe it is unfair and unnecessary. Many big businesses are against Net Neutrality because they want to be able to control their competitions internet traffic, as well as their own (Kerpen). In 2010 the FCC created new rules to strengthen the pro-Net Neutrality argument (“Preface”). The new rules prevented ISPs from blocking applications and forced them to be more public with purposeful bog downs. Tom Wheeler challenged the FCC in 2015. He supported the idea of fast lanes; allowing ISPs to charge their customers for more access to the internet. Wheeler could not follow through with his plans because of the no-blocking rule (“Preface”). As of January 2017, the Federal Communications Commission still rightfully enforces Net Neutrality. The continuation of the open internet is the best option for the general population. Keeping the current laws of Net Neutrality is favorable for the millions of consumers of the internet. It allows everyone the same access to the internet with no restrictions