The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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"As most who will read this have already heard, net neutrality has been under fire lately. Chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai has come under a lot of fire along with it. His opinion on the subject has shown to be quite controversial to the people of the United States. As usual in situations such as this where our constitutional rights are attacked, the people are trying to fight back against this. Protests, blog posts, speeches, etc. It_Ñés all one big moshpit of events and we are possibly only in the beginning phases of this debacle.
Net neutrality is what supposedly protects our internet freedom and keeps ISPs(internet service providers) from possibly making us pay premium internet fees or pay for websites in packages like we do for cable television. This is a fairly popular way that people seem to draw the internet as without net neutrality. Personally, I feel that the reality isn_Ñét as scary as people seem to be …show more content…

The people believe that providers such as Comcast and AT&T would censor sites that don_Ñét hold their best interests. They might possibly even block websites if you don_Ñét pay a premium fee. The truth is though, the internet is already censored even with net neutrality. In our situation though, the ISPs aren_Ñét censoring the internet, the sites themselves are, especially popular social media sites such as Instagram and Twitter. Sites such as these constantly censor people and posts that tend to be more conservative or republican, especially with this new place of social activism which is quite the sorry site. On sites such as instagram, big pages such as @fourthwavemadness and @nobody_needs_feminism constantly get their posts taken down due to people mass reporting them or Instagram themselves taking the posts down. This is rather unfair as it is a violation of free speech and it shows that these sites favor the left more often than