The Pros And Cons Of Ending Net Neutrality

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More than 3 billion people today use the internet. Imagine how many people would use the internet if net neutrality was taken away. What is net neutrality? Net neutrality is “the idea that internet service providers can not discriminate or cost more for certain websites” (Shamsian). But some people wonder, how could this affect me? Ending net neutrality would give the internet companies the ability to do whatever they wanted with their companies and their costumers, also it would take away our free internet. Therefore, ending net neutrality could change the internet we love. With ending net neutrality, it would allow internet companies like Verizon and T-Mobile to do whatever they please like charge more for certain apps and websites. Already this year AT&T called net neutrality “an unpredicted regulatory overreach for which there is no economic or marketplace justification” (Lohr). With this comment, why should we trust these companies with all the freedom they would gain. Internet companies could jack up their prices and start bundling apps where you would have to pay for each type of app you wanted. In Portugal they do not have any kind of …show more content…

Even “big companies and organizations like Google and Netflix are against ending net neutrality” (Locklear). The more money the internet companies can gain is the more they are going to try to take. For example, if Verizon gets money from Amazon then Verizon can make EBay really slow or not even work. This will end up making free companies like Google have to charge for their services. Google would have to do this because they gain their income by donations and companies that pay for ads. If Google has to pay just to be able to get their website to work, then they will eventually get low on money. Then they will have to charge a monthly charge like Netflix for people to be able to use their