An Argument For The Dismantling Of Net Neutrality

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The internet started out as just a small compilation of sites that could be accessed using bulky electronic equipment. Over time, and a relatively short period of time at that, it has become a vast multi - chain network that people can go to for almost anything, not just information, but to talk to people, even. It’s something that can be used to connect with someone who is thousands of miles away. This means that it’s easier to exchange ideas and information amongst one another, and on a much more broader scale than ever before.

What is it that makes the internet so free and accessible to all? Net Neutrality; when most people go on the net today, they expect to be able to access whatever sites they want without worrying about their data getting messed with or having to pay to access sites (Save the Internet). Net Neutrality is basically what that expectation is; it is the principle that the internet be free for anyone to post, share, and access information however and whichever way they choose (as long as it doesn’t break the law obviously). …show more content…

However, in Pai’s proposal to dismantle net neutrality, it literally says that they wish to dismantle net neutrality. Another argument is that it is unfair to charge everyone the same price, which is like saying it’s unfair to charge everyone the same price for an iPhone (Todd Wasserman). Another argument is that the internet remained free before 2015, and questions why we would even need rules for it. The thing is, the FCC has tried to get Net Neutrality laws going for year. Several lawsuits were filed against Comcast during 2006 and 2007 for attempting to impose secret data caps and hidden fees for no reason on users. Net Neutrality and the fight for it to have rules isn’t something that happened 2 years ago; it’s something that’s been going on for quite a long while now (Devin