The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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Net neutrality has improved the overall state of the internet and played a role on the 80 percent of Americans that use the internet ("Internet"). The question is, what exactly is net neutrality? Net neutrality has a central idea that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) "should treat all content flowing through their cables and cell towers equally" (Finley). The value behind this is that ISPs should not discriminate against certain content by providing some content at a faster speed than others. The U.S population, before the Federal Communication Committee (FCC) voted to repeal it on December 2017, had a simple idea of what it was but did not imagine the benefit that it had brought for them. On that December day, net neutrality was a trending topic in …show more content…

Net neutrality has helped reduce the costs of starting a business making it easier for smaller business and average Americans to enter the market competition. The cost of running a basic internet application fell from $50,000 a month in 2000 to $1,500 a month in 2011 and it continues to fall (Ammori). Meaning that net neutrality has allowed an easier entrance for start-up companies to expand their business as well as their market competition. This easier entrance has transformed different kinds of industries and has become the fuel to spreading simple ideas that can potentially turn into a business in the future. For young people with bright ideas that could change the world in the future, net neutrality is on their side. Thanks to the internet, many young people have been able to create application for phones, tables, etc., that in some way has become a helpful tool for someone anywhere in the world. Without net neutrality, innovation would become a slow lane, that would only become faster if innovators, students or small businesses are able to afford paying the high prices for a better