The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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Net neutrality is a very a hot topic in the internet world, as well as the congressional, the Federal Communications, online commerce and the entrepreneurial world. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) defines it as “Net neutrality requires that the Internet be maintained as an open platform, on which network providers treat all content, applications and services equally, without discrimination” (Gillula & Malcolm, 2014). On the opposite end of the spectrum, big businesses, AT&T, ComCast, and other major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) believe that they have the freedom to charge what they please for whatever speed of access they so choose. In this paper, I will explore both sides of the debate for Net Neutrality. Net neutrality is …show more content…

We receive our news updates, our family, medical, weather updates and sometimes even package and prescription updates over the Internet. We are able to even receive these types of updates through text, or by E-mail. With certain carriers or certain E-mail websites we can receive SMS (or Short Message Service) on our phones as texts. I myself have used the UPS and the USPS tracking service available for SMS. Where would we be without these useful tools? In fact, where would we be without the ability to order merchandise, research information, or communicate over the Internet? The Internet, the World Wide Web is more an everyday presence in our lives than we often …show more content…

Without the ability to charge what their companies believe is needed, ISPs would have to operate on a tighter budget. Under FCC regulation, prices would be fixed, or monitored in order to guarantee fairness and equality to Internet companies to the consumer. With history’s free reign over Internet governance, ISPs were able to charge a little more or ask for a little more for preferential treatment in order to fund new projects; which in turn, helped to move Internet technology forward and create new and innovative ways of bringing information to the