The Pros And Cons Of European Integration

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Where do the Western Balkan countries stand concerning European integration?

This question coming after a prolonged period of engagement and expectation of Balkan countries to become EU members and facing the rising risks of Euro sceptics and Radicals, takes a special focus on public and political debates.
On May 9th of each year, besides marking the anniversary of Schuman's Historical Declaration is also a reminder to celebrate peace and unity in Europe. But even this May, more than 65 years after Schuman's declaration, Western Balkan countries are still awaiting accession to the European Union. Always a step forward but still not ready, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo seem to have a long journey towards full membership, because of a ban on a 5- Year extension of the enlargement process, stated by European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker.
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Albania as a candidate country is still awaiting the opening of negotiations for EU membership. There does not appear to be any green light if the country does not meet all the criteria set by the European Commission when dealing with the fight against corruption and organized crime, administrative reform, judicial system reform, improvement of human rights and problems with press freedom and the media. Further progress on these five key priorities and notably on the implementation of recently adopted judicial reform legislation. After fulfilling the criteria and the sustainable progress, Montenegro opened its negotiations on the crucial rule of law chapters. Chapter 23 on judicial reform and fundamental rights and Chapter 24 on freedom, security and justice — were opened at an early stage in the negotiations, in December 2013. 26 out of a total of 35 negotiating chapters had been opened with Montenegro by the end of December