
The Pros And Cons Of FEMA

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There are many out there who don’t know that things of wrong doing in America have been in play. The government is now owned and controlled by the rich who plan to keep that power. These giant corporations and government agencies are planning to create a new world order. The people must open there eyes because any one opposed to this new world order is a liability. Many executive orders have to been created and sent out to directly violate your rights to the constitution. If you have a phone, email, bank account, or anything that can be accessed you are owned by the system and are expected to follow their, I mean the corporation and government agency, every guideline. This is why ideas like anonymity and groups such as the National Rifle …show more content…

What FEMA is doing and are strengthening are it's FEMA camps that apparently house the homeless. Yet their camps are all surrounded by fencing with barbwire on top and the only way in or out is through an electric revolving metal door. These camps are in every state, what there telling the people of America is that there humanitarians who's only purpose is to help the homeless, but yet they need ten foot high fencing surrounded by barbwire and with armed guards on duty. Did you know that in South Carolina it's illegal to be homeless? “ On Aug. 13, the Columbia City Council approved a plan that effectively makes homelessness illegal in parts of the city. The proposal forces those who sleep outdoors to be sent to a shelter on the outskirts of town. Those who don’t comply will be rounded up and forced to leave or sent to the slammer” (Chakraborty, South Carolina city makes being homeless illegal). These slammers are what FEMA are building, and it's all starting now. FEMA is not here to help, with the rising economic crises in the United States, the almost unavoidable merger between the U.S, Canada, and Mexico, and the collapse of Government Finances and when more and more people start to lose their jobs, homes, and livelihood they eventually go homeless. That's when FEMA comes in. Many see what going on and the United States of America is on the break of another civil war. THE ONLY THING LEFT FOR THEM TO DO IS TAKE THE GUNS. Many bills are being passed to try and deny American's there right to bear arms. Groups like the NRA see what's coming and are trying to fight back to stop this total takeover. If the guns are taken away there will be nothing to stop them from putting anyone in there dentition camps. Once in they are there to sort out who will reset the new world order. What FEMA has is a red blue list, those on the red list are those who are deemed to be leaders and could be a possible threat to the new world

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