The Pros And Cons Of Food Safety

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Food safety was in the beginning of the 21st century a hot item. It was the central theme for comsumenten and food producers had. The appropriate response has been, it is not entirely clear. There have indeed been a number of food safety problems, but also now do for themselves and are almost always the result of problems in processing. There are always food safety problems that are a direct result of fraud. In recent years, particularly zoonotic diseases in animals that can be transmitted to humans, such as BSE and Q fever, entered the picture. The antibiotic resistance, which threatens human health as a result of copious use of antibiotics in intensive farming, can be seen as a food safety issue. In 2014, especially food safety problems to come to light that have to do with the complexity of the food chain. Parties commodities are traded several times, cut, mixed or composite which ultimately - despite the introduction of quality - is no longer clear where the ingredients in the final consumer or feed product came from and who is responsible. In addition, it has become clear that the current quality of fraud can not occur. If a factory has been certified there is no or less controlled. This works fraud. Also, it is not clear whether the food or guaranteed. In a response …show more content…

'Quality ' means that a product meets the user 's expectations. Food safety is here a part of, in addition to characteristics such as taste, odor, color, and mouth feel. Food safety, however, a minimum requirement, this is non-negotiable. In contrast, the other quality standards are the result of whether or not specific agreements between producer and buyer or consumer. In other words; Orders can be quite safe, while not really taste good, or look