The Pros And Cons Of Genocides

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Genocides can be remembered in many different ways through social institutions. Some of the institutions can be more effective then others. A few examples of social institutions are, family, education, and religion. Of those three institutions education is the most effective way to memorialize the genocides that took place in the past. Starting at a very young age children are sent into schools to start learning letters and words. Slowly year by year and they grow older they reach an intellect level where they fully understand what is going on around themselves. As young as just 5-7 years old children can start making their own decisions and they must be taught what is right from wrong as soon as possible. Many people say things like, “you are who you hang out with” or “it is the way you grew up so you would not know any different”. There is a meaning behind these sayings at they are very accurate statements. In many genocides in the past young children would be brainwashed into thinking what they are doing is the correct thing to do. Whether it is killing people or killing themselves to help their leader, their brains will tell them that is what needs to be done. Also many of these kids will see their peers and other kids their age doing as told by there leader so they assume what they are doing is right and …show more content…

Many people say that religion is what creates most genocides. In the article Religion and Genocide, the author talks about religion often being the ultimate cause of genocide. He believes that religion separates people into groups which creates tension between them. (Kennedy, 2011). When attempting to remember genocides through religion can cause many disagreements and false information shared by your religious leader. Also every religion is very different which leads to a variation in which stories are told and whether they are true or