The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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You set the gun on the holder. You place your finger on the trigger. You take a deep breath and pull the trigger. You keep shooting until you are out of bullets. The final shot leaves a ringing in the ears. You look through the scope and see that you hit all bullseye. Yes! You go and get your target to show your parents. Some people aren’t using guns for this purpose, but what people don’t get is that it isn’t the gun that pulls the trigger, it’s the person behind the gun. Guns should not be taken away from our society because it is proven to help people feel safe at home if they can keep a gun at their house for self defence. If we take away guns, what should people use for gun season? Even if we would take away guns then people would just …show more content…

As stated in You wouldn't know it from watching the show, but having a gun is the safest course of action when confronted by a criminal. When people have weapons and are able to carry them, they can stay alive if they end up getting hurt. Also if someone sees someone getting hurt then they could help defend the person getting hurt. Yes, you may say that if the attacker has a gun they can shoot just as fast, but if they don’t know that there is a person behind them and they shoot first it can seriously save your life. It isn’t the gun itself it is the person behind the gun that has to pull the trigger in order for the gun to go off. So if we take away guns no-one would be able to defend themselves. “A Pew Foundation report found that 79% of male gun owners and 80% of female gun owners said owning a gun made them feel safer, and 64% of people living in a home in which someone else owns a gun felt safer.” If people would take away guns then people wouldn’t feel as safe as they did when there were guns. It can also help with people getting abused because if you have a gun that you can show out in public then people leave them alone. We should not take away a defence for people to use just because people are using them for wrong