The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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When it comes to the topic of guns, most of us will readily agree that it is our constitutional right to bare arms. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of as AR platform and assault rifles. Whereas some are convinced that we should not be able to own them, others maintain that we should be able to own assault rifles. The term “assault weapon” is an invention of pro-gun control politicians that demonizes semi-automatic rifles with certain looks. These looksdo not cause the rifles to operate any differently or fire any faster than a typical semi-automatic hunting rifle.The looks do not cause the rifles to operate or fire different from a typical semi-automatic hunting rifle An assault rifle is the same as a semi-automatic …show more content…

handguns do.In 2012 only 322 were killed with any rifle so even fewer with assault rifles.

Banning these gun will make it harder for criminals to get there hands on them which will cause crime rate to go down. A ban would help public safety agencies root out domestic terror threats more effectively. Instead of worrying about the intent of certain assault rifle owners, agencies could go after all assault weapons, period. Individual privacy and independence would increase, as would America’s collective security.

With fewer gun laws there will be less crime and less Terrorist attacks because civilians will fight back if they can that’s why the crime is so high where there are strict gun laws and more terrorist attacks.Take parris for example they have the strictest gun laws in the world and that’s why they were targeted because nobody could stop them.It is our constitutional rights as citizens of America to own and bare arms,Why let the government take that away from