The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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A gun is a weapon to kill, whether it be people or animals, its original purpose is to end life, or, at least, cause bodily harm. A gun can be used for many different outcomes intended by the users, but intentions are different than purpose. Once that is clear, what can be brought to the table is whether or not citizens should have the need for guns. What citizens need a gun for is self defense, a person has the right to defend their life, along with their way of life. The second amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. This amendment is perceived to guarantee citizens of the United States the right to bear arms, meaning …show more content…

One large problem with this is that the weapons being used to commit these crimes are illegal weapons in the first place. Eighty five percent of juveniles in detention centers have owned an illegal gun, and only fifteen percent of federal inmates obtained their guns by purchasing them at a retail store. These illegal guns are untraceable which is the root of them being illegal in the first place. Guns are illegal because they are unregistered. Illegal firearms should not exist in modern society. According to a study done with the Pittsburgh Bureau of police, seventy nine percent of guns recovered by the police station were owned by someone other than the user. Seventy nine percent, that means almost eight out of every ten criminals that committed a crime was able to obtain their gun in and illegal way. This problem is addressed in the second amendment through the words “A well regulated militia…”. It seems that we are lacking in that aspect of the amendment. Well regulated does not mean less powerful though, do not get that confused, that just means that it is the government’s, or at least some entities responsibility to regulate how the guns are circulated in