
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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The article “The United States needs gun control”, co-written by numerous authors is a modern review that analyzes the infective policies of gun control in the United States through personal opinions based on modern situations. At the time of this article, gun control was a major topic in congressional sessions and a common headed debate. This article was written five days after the Las Vegas Shooting, which is consider the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in the United States. One of the main points of this article that comes from all authors is the need for tighter regulation and more congressional legislation on guns. They each argue that they firmly believe in the Second Amendment, but only to a certain extent and that it clearly needs some modifications. In “The Unites States needs gun control” published on The Washington Post in October of 2017, …show more content…

John Coyle starts off the article with this negative opinion on gun control dealing with the international community. The article starts out by criticizing Congress for the lack of effort, and states that the only way to fix this problem is to get the international community to boycott the United States because it’s unsafe. Coyle quotes, “Because the government refuses to pass serious gun-control legislation, there is a good solution for forcing it to do so. The international community should boycott all travel to the United States until serious gun-control action is taken that will convince the world it is reasonably safe to travel here. I have friends in Europe who refuse to travel to the United States due to gun violence. We need all international travelers to do the same. It is the only answer” (“The United States needs gun control,”2017). He is out to inform all readers that something needs to be done about gun control in the United

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