The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Now to the question, why are firearms not as bad as portrayed and why gun control would only harm the United States. Like I said earlier, the 2nd Amendment is very controversial nowadays and firearms are not portrayed the same now as the they have been before. The first thing I say to anybody who says, “firearms kill people,” is how wrong that statement is. First off in order for anything to kill anybody, the “thing” needs to be able to think on its own and have a conscious whether to kill or not. And as we all know, hopefully, firearms are metal, with a pin the hits a primer and sets off a small explosion. Not only can firearms not do this on their own but they wouldn't ever think of doing it, because it is a piece of metal. In other words, …show more content…

According to Newstimes, only 1% of crimes committed with a firearm are by a licensed owner and 78% of all firearm committed crimes are by unlicensed illegal weapons. Firearms that are used in crimes are usually not bought legally like most people think. That's why many say we need stronger background checks or make it harder to buy a gun, but we don't, that would only make it harder for good citizen to get a firearms when they choose. Building off the topic of criminal getting firearms, people ignore, or don't know the amount of crimes stopped every year with guns. Based on victim reports, “Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense,” according to the Gun Owners of America Fact Sheets. This means that in the U.S. there are 78x more lives saved with guns every year then people killed with guns every year. According to the CDC, firearms deaths/year in the U.S. does not even make the top ten killers in the United States (CDC’s Leading Causes of Death, FastStats). Sure firearms are used to kill, but it pales in comparison to saved lives with firearms and other cause of