Pros And Cons Of Stricter Gun Control Laws

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Anyone who wants to now a days can acquire a firearm and easily use it for harm. This is becoming a more and more recent problem as deaths caused with firearms have reached one of the top causes of death each year in america. People are outraged by this and some feel that we should remove or restrict the firearm from being used in america. As laws are added into the system some fail to realize that, Further gun control laws that restrict firearms from law abiding citizens are helping no one but the criminals willing to break them. More and more gun laws are set in place each year and usually these laws restrict citizens from defending themselves rather than stopping criminals from acquiring them. Even with the current laws that have been …show more content…

Although most people might think, If there are no guns in the area, then there can be no shootings this is entirely false. An area where guns are restricted will most likely be a primal target for a criminal or someone who is targeting people for a mass shooting because the people there will have no firearm or weapon to defend themselves with. Taylor Danielle, the author of “Gun-free zones: weighing the pros and cons” states that, “If you make it against the law to have guns in parks, the only people in your parks with guns will be lawbreakers, leaving law-abiding citizens unable to defend themselves in the event of an attack" (Danielle 1). It is evident that someone such as a criminal could easily conceal a firearm and bypass this law with little effort, leaving the citizens at their disposal. Another very interesting fact worth noting is that according to John Lott, former chief economist for the U.S. Sentencing Commission, “Every mass shooting in the U.S. since 1977, with the exception of the 2011 Tucson shooting, has happened in a gun-free zone” (Danielle 7). This is another piece of shocking evidence and further proves that gun free zones are not working in our favor. Along with the removal of gun free zones, Better arming law abiding american citizens will help greatly with killings and mass …show more content…

A shocking amount of gun deaths in the U.S. are accidental and this number could very easily drop by simply adding a few more safety features to rifles as well as educating its owners and or people who live with the owner. It is shocking to see that, “50% of unintentional deaths are self inflicted and 89% of unintentional deaths occur at home” ( 1). The amount of deaths that occur at home that are unintentional is extremely high and this could easily be avoided by simply installing a few more safety measures or locks to prevent the person who has no meaning of harm from accidentally inflicting it. An alternate way of preventing death is by simply educating everyone on how dangerous firearms can be: “The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (or SAAMI for short) stated that a responsible knowledgeable gun owner is rarely involved in any sort of accidental related gun death” ( 1). Not only will extra safety features help but also educating everyone who is around the weapon about the lethality of it and how to be safe while using it will prevent people from accidentally killing someone else. Despite constant efforts to further constrict americans from getting their hands on guns there are also people looking to put a complete ban in