
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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A challenging aspect in today’s society is the need to address stronger gun control possibilities. New gun control bills could easily be placed in the ballots, but questioning the ability to have long term affects if much different. Many gun owners are set in old ways and never want to see changes that could affect their way of life. Just like many of the members of the National Rifle Association that believe back ground checks are enough and it should stay that way. Another viewpoint, people believe background checks are insufficient and the government should broaden ways to further secure weapons. United States continues to research ways to help develop a system to secure the borders of gun violence. Several things that bring doubts to this controversial topic is: Will gun control help with the effects of violence, Why the National Rifle Association continues the fight, The reason responsibility with weapons is a life saver.
Evildoers have threatened the world with violence for millions of years …show more content…

Accidents are caused when intoxicated or mentally impaired individuals handle weapons. Those that are impaired by a drug or mental issues should have a friend or spouse put way the firearms in a safe place. That way if things were to get out of hand, fewer accidents would take place since actions were took to prevent these things. Mental issues should be judged by a psychiatrist to determine if one is mentally able to own weapons. Mental issues are not hidden Gary Younge states “ We know, in the world that surrounds us, there are terrorist and home invaders and drug cartels and carjackers and knockout-gamers, and rapers, haters, campus killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids or disease that could collapse the society that sustains us all. Do you trust this government to protect you? Are you on your

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