Gun Control Essay Topics

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Gun Control Gun regulation is a hot topic that has been debated over the years. No one true solution has been found that appeals to all parties. A gun does not necessarily bring harm; however, in the wrong hands it can lead to very dark events. Such events include school shooting or shootings in other heavily occupied places. Throughout the years, many politicians and scholars have given their opinions on such matters and have implemented various changes. These changes were of course received with backlash. It is important to implement changes to our current gun laws now before any other tragedy occurs. Although we currently have very strict gun regulations, nevertheless, we have to improve them or find a completely different approach because, innocent people are being killed, it leads to mass shootings and killings, and it leads to a concern about public safety. It is also …show more content…

No assault weapons or shotguns should be distributed to the public unless the weapons will be used strictly for hunting purposes. Recalling the shootings that took place at Umpqua Community College, it was stated that “fourteen guns have been linked to the shooter” (McLaughlin), further supporting the claim for a limitation on the amount of guns one can own. The general public should only be allowed to own a handgun with only a few rounds if they qualify to own a gun in the first place. What is the point of a regular citizen owning an assault rifle? In my eyes I see no reason for an assault rifle. There should be no reason to own one unless we are either in the military or hunters. By having the limitation of only having a handgun, we reduce the chance of having a mass shooting. Even if a shooting were to occur, the number of casualties would be significantly lower with a handgun than with an assault weapon or rifle. Although I am not too fond of hunting, taking away all hunters’ gun will cause a great