Essay On Gun Control Laws

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Who will obey gun control laws? Will the criminals who continuously break the laws? Will the mentally unbalanced who insist that the only way to reduce their mental illness is to shoot someone? Will the school children be any safer if gun control laws are passed? Who will give up their guns? No one who thinks they need the weapons. Getting rid of guns does not get rid of violence. A lot of people think that if we stop using guns or if the government takes away guns completely, violence will lower and all crime in America will stop. The people who are claiming we shouldn't have guns do in some way make a point“we need to enforce the thousands of gun laws that are currently on the books. Prosecuting criminals who misuse firearms works.Unfortunately, …show more content…

Even though most people would obey and listen to the new gun control laws, criminals would not. I can’t even imagine imagine how many guns we have in America because my guess is there are so many to even count. Therefore, getting a gun will never be difficult for those who don’t qualify to purchase a registered weapon with the new laws that are being required. In America, “the debate over gun control is as robust as ever. In a number of major cities, rising crime rates have pushed the issue to the front of the public agenda. Gun control advocates, led by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have been pushing for laws that would help target illegal gun trafficking: allowing states access to gun-trace data, requiring background checks at gun shows, and forcing gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons” (In Congress, the Uphill Battle for Gun Control par. 8) A lot of criminals buy their guns illegally, they often steal the guns or get them from black market purchases. This proves that those who don’t follow the law bypass from background checks and other laws. Gun control simply won’t work, even if the government took all guns away, ( how would the government even know if a criminal or someone who has an agenda to kill has a gun?) if someone had the need to kill someone with a gun, they would still do it no matter what the law