
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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America has the highest rate of homicide along with the most guns per person. Lawmakers are trying to argue about gun control in other countries already causing less of a chance of gun related deaths. Countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom have had small amounts of success with their gun laws but, crime does not seem to have dropped off like they hoped. Adding all of the new gun laws and regulations in America would most likely get the same end result as those two countries. Despite Norway suffering one of the worst public shootings in recent memory, their gun laws still seem rather loose. “Though Norway ranked tenth worldwide in gun ownership, according to the Small Arms Survey, it placed near the bottom in gun-homicide rates.” (“CFR …show more content…

These few hundred people are creating a whirlwind of problems for all the other gun owners in America. Though the crimes are severe, placing the blame on everybody for one's mistake is wrong. The several few people doing the shootings are creating a backlash that the American public is forced to deal. Creating the new gun laws in response to a couple of people's actions is not the correct thing to do. Forcing people that clearly do not want new gun control to pay for others mistakes is creating a divide within our society. This would be like if there was a slight increase in drunk driving accidents and people wanted new regulations on driving. Those who never partake in drunk driving would be forced to pay the prices for someone else's …show more content…

Children will get ahold of the gun and think it is a new toy; The child normally ends up getting severely injured or killed in the accident. “In Georgia, Cassie Culpepper, 11, was riding in the back of a pickup with her 12-year-old brother and two other children. Her brother started playing with a pistol his father had lent him to scare coyotes. Believing he had removed all the bullets, he pointed the pistol at his sister and squeezed the trigger. It fired, and blood poured from Cassie’s mouth.” (“Children and Guns: The Hidden Tolls” 1) Gun related accidents involving children happen almost everyday in America. Placing the blame on the lack of gun control is not the way to solve it. The only thing that deserves the blame is the parents. It is their fault for leaving the gun out to where the child was able to get ahold of it. Keeping guns locked and hidden from any children could cut down on the amount of gun related accidents. Proper education or lack thereof is another factor in the situation. If parents could give their kids a proper education about gun safety at a young age, children might stay away from the

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