The Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigration

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12.1 million unauthorized immigrants were living in the United States as of January 2014. Illegal immigration has become a costly issue that borders on a disaster here in the United States. Illegal immigration is a burden on the American taxpayer. It burdens the federal,state,and local levels. Illegal immigrants costs American taxpayers billions of dollars each year. Issues can appear as simple as the housing situation for illegal immigrant families to providing health care and education needs of each family and their children. As illegal immigrants cross our border they're are very prone to taking our jobs. Undocumented immigrants cross the border in search of the opportunity to find a better job than the one they left behind.Often this means taking the job of a legal US citizen.By taking these jobs the illegal immigrants work for less pay and no healthcare.One …show more content…

Since they're here illegally they’re not screened for diseases and could carry contagious diseases which have almost been eliminated in our public health system.Another big expense to US is the delivery of babies to illegal alien mothers. America has almost lost the war on drugs thanks to drug smuggling activities by illegal immigrants.A major indication that America has lost control of its border is that thousands of pounds of drugs and a massive amount of aliens that exist crossing the border illegally each year. With drugs comes an increase of gangs and a increase of criminal activity such and prostitution and identity theft. While the number of drugs being brought into the country illegally has appeared astonishing, it can only be responsible for about 20 percent of all drugs being brought over the border in one