The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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In our society today there is a huge controversy whether marijuana should be legal or remain illegal for recreation. What are the pros and cons if marijuana was to become legal is a question that I ask myself frequently. Some states have moved forward and made marijuana legal, but has this created a positive environment for those who do not partake in using marijuana. I do not think marijuana should be legal for recreational use, only legal for medicinal use. If marijuana was made legal it would be easier for kids to get a hold of which is dangerous since marijuana is not meant for kids, and could potentially harm their brains. More people would be under the influence, and things would be at a slower pace. Students have a hard enough time going to class and turning in assignments, and if they were allowed to smoke it would create another distraction leading to lower test score, a lower attendance rate, and more social problems. Talking to people who are under the influence is a bit distracting and difficult to keep a conversation with due to the mellow confused state of mind. People do not understand the risks involved with smoking a little bit of weed. It effects ones judgment and potentially burns holes in the brain. …show more content…

When marijuana is used for straight medicinal reasons it could be very helpful in the process of healing ones with cancer by creating an appetite and mellowing one out. Marijuana could help with migraines, insomnia, or other health related issues, but should be used by a doctor’s consent and guidelines. Most people believe that since marijuana is a plant it is natural and safe for one. This is untrue due to the fact that now a day’s grower’s focus is growing extremely potent marijuana by infusing the plants with many harmful