Summary Of Aggressive Behavior

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Music! What a great way to express our minds, feelings, and emotions! Since the beginning of time, music has been a common language all over the world. It has been a mean of entertainment and joy to every single human being. Music is among the rare practices that battled through time, survived and evolved without losing a bit of its edge and power. Whoever and wherever we are, whatever genre we prefer, we all have that rhythm that’s making us full of happiness, we all have those lyrics that changed us forever and moved our senses. But unfortunately, music now days started changing people to the worst not the better. Singers, viewing music as a mean of criticism, pushed the limits of acceptable lyrics and started writing extremely violent and …show more content…

They say that this behavior is naturally engrained in people and must be treated as an illness and not be judged on it. As some recent studies has been held, it seems that some genes are in fact responsible of aggressive or criminal acts. To explore the potential genetic underpinnings of criminal behavior, the authors conducted a genetic analysis involving nearly eight hundred Finnish citizens. All had been accused of a crime, and were incarcerated in one of nineteen Finnish prisons, the study noted. Some crimes involved nonviolent behavior, including property theft and drug-dealing. Others, however, had been found guilty of repeatedly engaging in extremely violent offenses, including at least ten acts of murder and/or assault. In all, 215 participants were classified as "nonviolent offenders," while 538 were deemed "violent". A subgroup of the violent offender group included 84 people who were deemed "extremely violent", according to the study. DNA samples from the criminals were compared to the DNA of more than 2,000 non-incarcerated Finnish citizens who'd given DNA samples for a previous …show more content…

The violent songs increased feelings of hostility without provocation or threat, according to the authors, and this effect was not the result of differences in musical style or specific performing artist. Even the humorous violent songs increased aggressive thoughts.