The Pros And Cons Of Plagiarism

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In this era of globalization with crowded of technology, plagiarism is a 'virus ' that spreads like a holocaust among students either university or college. It has been troubling academic world for a long time. So, what does these 'virus ' means? The virus or known as plagiarism means that it is the act of adduce someone else 's argument, opinions, research and works as their own ideas (What is plagiarism, [1] n.d). Another definition as stated by “What is plagiarism” [2] (n.d) is one of others origin thoughts or ideas were takes and been copied is called plagiarism. One of the biggest commonplace reasons students plagiarize is because they sense overwhelmed. It 's difficult to balance the requirements of several classes and have a social life. Writing assignments and research projects also makes most of the students’ knowledge great concern about it. Students trapped in plagiarism for a number of other speculation as well including concern of asking for help with assignments, difficulty in searching and investigate research component or they get cornered into finding for the 'one right answer ' (Starr, 2002). As stated by Goebel (2006), many students do not know how to explore the books, articles, journals or use other reference resources due to lack of research skills. There is many cases reported in higher education on plagiarism. Lepi (2013) stated that over 128 million papers content matches and over 35 million papers were submitted. It is important for