Poisoning Case Studies

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INTRODUCTION: Poisoning is a significant global public health problem. According to WHO data, in 2012 an estimated 193,460 people died worldwide from unintentional poisoning. Of these deaths, 84% occurred in low and middle-income countries. Nearly a million people die each year as a result of suicide, and chemicals account for a significant number of these deaths.1 According to the world health organization (WHO), 99 per cent of the fatal poisoning cases occur in developing countries.2 A poison is a substance which when administered, inhaled or ingested, is capable of acting deleteriously on the human body.3 Acute toxicity is defined as adverse effects of finite duration occurring within a short time (up to 14 d) after administration of …show more content…

A retrospective study of 136 acute poisoning cases, majority of them were organophosphorus compounds (36%). Maximum mortality was found in patients who were brought after 8 hrs of ingestion of poison, followed by 5- 8 hrs. Patient admitted within 2 hours of ingestion had least mortality (P=0.01). Patient who died due to organophosphorus compound poisoning (n=13) had respiratory arrest (n=9), pneumonia and septicemia (n=3) and sudden cardiac arrest (n=1).12 Zaheer M S et al (2009). conducted a study in tertiary care hospital Aligarh. A total of 104 patients were studied. Maximum number of cases were in the age group of 20 – 29 years (n=52). Aluminium phosphide was the most common poison (30.8%) followed by zinc phosphide (23.1%) and organophosphorus compounds (15.4%). Late presentation, consumption of fresh and unexposed tablets and high dose were important causes associated with mortality. Majority of cases belonged to middle and low socio economic stratum. 14 Sandhu S S et al(2010). 78 cases were studies, 39.74 % mortality rate, and majority were because of ingestion of OPC poisoning (29.49%) followed by endosulfan. Rural population and lower income group were found to be affected …show more content…

STUDY DESIGN: A Hospital based Prospective Study 2. STUDY AREA: U.P.UMS, Saifai, Etawah 3. STUDY POPULATION: Acute Poisoning Cases Admitted To UPUMS, Saifai 4. STUDY DURATION: Jan, 2017 – Jul, 2018 5. INCLUSION CRITERIA: 1) All Cases of Acute Poisoning Admitted In U.P.UMS, Saifai 2) Age group from 15 or above 6. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1) Not willing to participate 2) Age Group <0.05 in final analyses was considered as significant 9. METHODOLOGY: All the poisoning case admitted in the emergency ward, ICU and medical ward of UPUMS during the study period of Jan 2017 to Jul 2018 will be studied. Data regarding Socio demographic profile, clinical profile, lab parameters, ECG, ABG, Radiological investigations will be collected. Patients will be followed up every day. Outcome of the patient will be assessed at the time of