The Pros And Cons Of Pornography

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Thesis: There are numerous ethical arguments in which have been conducted within the past years in regards to the topic of pornography. Some state that it is just a moral boundary that has been crossed by those in the society who are interested in watching as well as performing within the porn shows. While proceeding within numerous views of pornography, it comes to pose a critical debate in how the society deals with it on an ethical way.

“Arguments over pornography raise a number of ethical issues. Pornography has been harshly criticized for how it is produced and the images of women it endorses. Some, in contrast, regard theconsumption of pornography as a "victimless crime," and believe that, because it does not harm others, it should not be restricted extensively”(Mosser,2013).The advancement of technology somehow helped the porn industry to proliferate even more. It can be accessed at the internet anytime and there are sites that provide it for free. It can be bought as a DVD which can be watched at home, it can also be a magazine carried anytime in anywhere. The widespread availability of pornography makes it hard to regulate them. This is one evident reason why there are people who are addicted to pornography. Pornography can be shown through variety of media. It may be in the form of animation, photography, printed literature, the internet, sculptures, sound material, movies, videos, video game, and cellular phone programs. Like Al- Fadhli and al. stated,