The Pros And Cons Of Schizophrenia

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“Schizophrenia cannot be understood without understanding despair.” R.D. Laing. Many people that suffer from schizophrenia, or any other mental illness, tend to have a feeling of loneliness and seclusion. While there are many studies done of this illness we still have a long way to go. This illness can affect anybody, in any social status. Schizophrenia is an illness that effects the mind and how people see themselves and the world. This illness, if not on the right combination of medications, effects how the person can function in society. Due to the severity of the ilness many people, usually off their medications, cannot function in society normally. They have a very had time distinguishing between reality and what is in their …show more content…

Some people don’t like needles. They can’t handle the idea of having to get a shot. People also tend to have a hard time to remember to take pills on a daily basis. Let alone multiple pills. There are some alternatives to pharmacology. One option is Personal Therapy, Psycho-Social Treatments, and/or CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Usually a combination of the three. Due to how this illness affects someone’s day to day function. This kind of therapy has been put into effect to help people learn how to function. Another alternative form of treatment is Electro-Convulsive Therapy. When this therapy is used, you are hooked up to a machine that passes small electrical shocks through your brain. The idea is that it affects the nerve chemicals in your brain. With this effect it can help someone with a mental illness like schizophrenia. This started out as a therapy used for patients with Dementia and Seizure activities. Years later it was used on other tried on other illnesses, like Schizophrenia, when medications and other therapies where not working in extreme cases. This is still considered controversial, because of the stigma that comes along with it. When first used it was it used with not much research, and it was used as first treatment. With what studying that has been done, this is a therapy that is usually used when nothing else